Donate today to give children the opportunity to imagine and create through coding.

Supporters like you help us keep Scratch free to all kids around the world, so we can bring creative coding opportunities and a caring community of peers to young people who never saw themselves as programmers. Today, Scratch is being used by young people in more than 190 countries and has been translated into more than 75 languages—but there are so many more children for us to reach and meaningfully engage in creative learning. Help us reach our giving goal of raising $35,000 before the year ends!

The Scratch Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, with Tax ID number 46-2612143.

To learn more about how you can support Scratch, please contact us at 857-371-2464 or

Make a gift before the year ends to bring free creative coding tools and resources to the young people who need them most.